Friday, May 25, 2007

*who died and made you Elvis?*

it's incredible how dance lessons (even if i suck) can turn a shitty day into a great night. Really.
i'm incredibly frustrated with my step-toe-hop and my flash jump. But its ok, i'll get the hang of them.
its performance night

Master demands coffee and a bruschetta... but brrrrrrr... its sooo cold. Do i really have to get out of bed?
my toes are starting to feel like the toes of someone who did over 3 hours of dance lessons in a row. (i'll take photos next time).
no new photos.
my work mate said i have an array of sounds of my own when dancing. With all this bling, its only reasonable to assume so.
want to torture a girl? make her grow back her eyebrows to redesign them. It's torture. i really hate my eyebrows right now. But it will be worth while, i hope.
ok. After the coffee and bruschetta... i just noticed how random i sound. Whatever. It's fucking cold.
so yesterday started off really sucking. i taught class, then i put things into place, and such... then lunch and another class. Have you ever left home with the strong feeling you will die? i did yesterday, but i am still here, so guess my hunch was wrong. But i had this awful feeling...
then i bought leg warmers and a new collant and went to class. Plié, demi-plié, grand-plié, that teacher gets carried away and i was supposed to get a half an hour rest between jazz and tap-dancing. Guess what, i didn't.
tap-dancing... i was so tired already i couldn't really focus, but i love it nonetheless.
and my friend decided to sleep last night so i couldnt go and help him. So it was a night out with my work mates. Really, the best thing about working there are the people. They are great. And it was a ton of fun... plus Gummy Bear juice and a vodka milkshake... and me still in my dance gear.
tap-tap-tap down the street...
i need to rehearse and shower and i got work this afternoon... but its tooooooo cold!!! blah!
now a photo. Let me see... one of these sundays at Liberdade....

i'm gonna get my step-toe-hop right this weekend.
show : Canastra / Vamoz
djs : Focka /Japa Girl /Lady Rocker
erotic show: Suicide Tyler / Sweetie
door : Mareu / Sr. Orgastic
hosstess : Paola Zambianchi
divulgação : Sr. Orgastic
org. : Nono

lista 10.00 de
na porta : 20.00 de entrada
com flyer : 15.00 de entrada
Rua : Augusta , 501 - 31204140
must get my meds today. my head is really hurting. Fucking allergies.
"A-plink plink, a-plank plank,
a-plink plank, plink plank
A-plunkin' on the keys
A-riff riff, a-raff raff, a-riff raff, riff raff
A-riffin' out with ease
But when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
i crave soup.

i still need to shake those demons away.
three truths i have learned about show-biz:

very educational.
have a great weekend!!! Shabat shalom.

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